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Package of Drawing Pencils    (Daler Rowney Sketching Pencil 12 Pk)                        5.97 @ Walmart

Package of Pink Erasers          (1 pkg of Pink Pearl Erasers)                                               Under 2.00 @ Walmart

Bag/Box to Keep Supplies in   (Could be a pencil pouch, zip lock bag… whatever)

1 Roll of 1” Masking Tape        (Scotch is the best… some of the cheap ones leave residue on your work)

1 Tub of Clorox Wipes or Equivalent



**** Students need to have supplies by Monday 08/29/2016

*** Students will also need an old hard bound book. Does not need to be expensive just have a good binding and a decent thickness (a novel not a children’s book thickness). The Habitat store in town has cheap old books for around a 1.00. Or use last year’s book if you still have it.














Package of Drawing Pencils    (Daler Rowney Sketching Pencil 12 Pk)                        5.97 @ Walmart

Package of Pink Erasers          (1 pkg of Pink Pearl Erasers)                                               Under 2.00 @ Walmart

Package of Paint Brushes        (Super Value Pack of 25 in the craft department)     4.77 @ Walmart

Package of Ultra Fine Sharpies    (Come with two in the package)                                              1.77 @ Walmart

1 package Watercolors                  (12 or more colors)                                                          Unsure of exact price

                                                                                                                                                                Should be less that 3.00

1 cheap roll of paper towels        (brand does not matter)                                                               cheapest is fine J

Supply Container                             (could be anything portable from a bag to a tiny tool box)



**** Students need to have supplies by Monday 08/29/2016

*** Students will also need an old hard bound book. Does not need to be expensive just have a good binding and a decent thickness (a novel not a children’s book thickness). The Habitat store in town has cheap old books for around a 1.00.














1 Package of Clay tools                                                  (They are in the Walmart Craft Department)

1 5lb bag of Flour

1 Sm Bottle of Hand Lotion                                          (If desired. Most of the projects we create can dry the

                                                                                                Skin pretty badly)

1 Container of Clorox Wipes or Equivalent

4 kitchen sized trashbags

Container to store personal tools                             (Could be anything portable)

1 Lrg Container of Salt                                                    (Cheapest one possible)

2 Rolls of 1” Masking Tape                                            (Scotch is usually the best option…. The cheap ones

                                                                                                Do not hold as well with paper mache projects)


**** Students need to have supplies by Monday 08/29/2016

*** Students will also need a small sketchbook or notebook. This will be used for design sketches, artist inspiration and class notes. This will be a graded portion of the class just like last year’s mixed media books were.

****Sculpture Class is a very expensive class to run. There is a 10.00 class fee associated with participation. The fee must be paid before incentive cards are released or your student will not receive their incentive card.














A sturdy container to hold supplies                                          (Anything from a pencil box to a small tool box)

1 package of paintbrushes                                                            (Walmart has a pk of 25 for 4.77)

1 Package of watercolors                                                              (Quality is always better)

1 Roll of 1” Masking Tape                                                              (Scotch leaves less residue… the cheap ones

                                                                                                                Can leave a nasty mess behind on your project)


As this class progresses into more student choice…. Students may require additional supplies as they choose what they would like to create.


**** Students need to have supplies by Monday 08/29/2016

*** Students will also need an old hard bound book. Does not need to be expensive just have a good binding and a decent thickness (a novel not a children’s book thickness). The Habitat store in town has cheap old books for around a 1.00.  Or use last year’s book if they still have it.

© 2016 by Teall Williams Cassville HS Art Teacher. Proudly created with

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